Salvia Chamaedryoides How To Grow Germander Sage

Salvia chamaedryoides, more commonly known as Germander sage, Mexican blue sage or blue oak sage, is a versatile ornamental shrub with the most vibrant, true blue flowers that will catch the eye of any gardener. Table of Contents It is native to the Chihuahuan Desert, 7000ft high above sea level in the Sierra Madre mountain range in Mexico. That’s one pretty extreme environment, so how can this perennial salvia grow in our gardens?...

May 4, 2022 · 10 min · 2100 words · Andria Henderson

Sweat Bees Friend Or Foe In The Garden

Have you ever been out working in your garden and suddenly discover you have a tiny bee sitting happily on your arm? These little creatures are sweat bees, and they likely think your sweat is delicious. But what exactly are sweat bees? Are they friend or foe? What do sweat bees do for us, and how do these wild bees survive without a hive? Are they going to eat your geraniums or your African violets?...

May 4, 2022 · 15 min · 3073 words · Howard Gowan

40 Summer Flowers You Must Have In Your Garden

Table of Contents If you want to add some color to your summer garden but have no idea what to grow (or how to grow it), or if you just want some fresh ideas on flowers for summer…we’ve got you covered. We collected ideas from gardeners around the country and compiled a huge list of flowers that bloom in summer (and beyond). All of these flowers are gorgeous in their own way and most of them are pretty easy to grow....

May 3, 2022 · 29 min · 5989 words · Raymond Smith

Alternaria Leaf Spot Prevention And Treatment

Are you finding brown, ring-like spots on your cabbage leaves? Perhaps you’re discovering blotches of brown on your tomatoes, or even on your apple or orange trees? You may have alternaria leaf spot. And I’ll help you figure out what to do. Table of Contents Like other fungal diseases, Alternaria can be complex in what it is and how it appears, but there are many treatment options that you can use to eradicate it....

May 3, 2022 · 9 min · 1716 words · David Wright

Mamey Sapote A Giant Tropical Berry Treat

Mamey sapote, the national fruit of Cuba, is a tropical fruit that is popular in Central America and the Caribbean. It is also grown in the United States in temperate areas of South Florida, California, Texas, and Hawaii. Although it is more common in South Florida, mamey sapote is hard to find in other areas of the United States. You probably won’t be able to find them in the produce section at the grocery store....

May 3, 2022 · 10 min · 2099 words · Dora Mackenzie

Sesame Plant Drought Tolerant Seed Crop

Have you ever seen a sesame plant? Surely you’re familiar with sesame seeds, sesame oil, and tahini. But have you tried growing sesame plants for sesame oil yourself? If not, here’s your chance! Table of Contents Sesame or Sesamum indicum is grown all over the world as a food crop in hot dry areas, like India and Africa. There are records of its growth in China over 5000 years ago. Tahini, a well-loved food (not just among people in the Mediterranean and the Middle East), is ground sesame seeds....

May 3, 2022 · 11 min · 2201 words · Clyde Ross

Best Hammer Drill Which Gives The Best Bang For Your Buck

Which is the best hammer drill for you? Today, we’re going to dive into that topic, beginning with what a hammer drill is and is not. Furthermore, we’ll go over the most important aspects to be looking for. I’ll give you a short history of some of the top companies that manufacture this incredibly useful tool. Table of Contents By the time you’re done reading, you’ll easily be able to pick the best hammer drill for your needs....

May 2, 2022 · 17 min · 3478 words · Mary Wallace

Best Lawn Sprinkler Oscillating Rotary Stationary Or Traveling Types

If you have a yard, you need to water it! While you certainly could stand out there with a hose multiple times per week, there’s always the option of getting a sprinkler. It’s a time saver as well as a way to reduce the effort required to maintain your lawn. And of course, you’ll want the best lawn sprinkler available. Table of Contents But what is the best sprinkler? Is there a best lawn sprinkler out there, or do you have to choose based on your lawn?...

May 1, 2022 · 14 min · 2794 words · Jack Silva

How Long Does It Take For Garlic To Grow

Garlic is one of the most rewarding things you can grow on your own. Garlic bulbs are tasty, and they last a long time. Since the growing season is coming, and we’re thinking about timings, you may wonder: how long does it take for garlic to grow? Table of Contents While most varieties take around 9 months to mature when propagated from cloves, there are short-season varieties that take less time....

May 1, 2022 · 9 min · 1806 words · Gloria Shor

Jerusalem Sage Growing Phlomis Fruticosa

Jerusalem sage is a lovely semi-perennial, drought-tolerant addition that adds splashes of bright yellow flowers to gardens. Growing Jerusalem sage for herb or flower is relatively easy, too, with the plant needing little care once it is established. Table of Contents Also known scientifically as Phlomis fruticosa, Jerusalem sage originates in the Mediterranean, where it thrives in sandy and rocky soils along coastal cliffs and inclines. Much like many other Mediterranean herbs that flower, it finds homes in herb, meadow, and pollinator gardens in much of North America too....

May 1, 2022 · 11 min · 2334 words · Lorraine Hileman

Sweet Woodruff Shade Loving Perennial Groundcover

Finding a ground cover that can survive underneath shady trees can be a challenge for many gardeners. Many plants can’t survive without sunlight, or they at least won’t grow prolifically like you want them to. Sweet woodruff may be able to solve your problems! This aggressive plant thrives in full shade and spreads quickly, making it an efficient and durable ground cover. It can even grow underneath black walnut trees where many other species struggle....

May 1, 2022 · 11 min · 2295 words · Regina Orvis

Growing Olives In Your Own Food Forest

Everyone knows the olive, a staple of cocktails and great in salads. But have you ever considered growing olives yourself? Perhaps more importantly, is an olive a fruit or a vegetable? Table of Contents Most people seem to consider them to be vegetables. But those black olives on tree branches are most definitely a fruit. They develop in a range of colors: purple, green, dark brown, black, and even pink! Both dwarf olive trees and regular ones originated from western Asia and spread down the coast of the Mediterranean Sea....

April 30, 2022 · 14 min · 2903 words · Melissa Sweeney

Improving Sandy Soil Amending It Right

People with the wrong types of soils know how difficult it is to grow plants in poor soil quality. Water runs out of sandy soils quickly and the soil lacks nutrients that plants need to thrive. A few steps can help you improve your dry and sandy soils and grow a wider variety of plants in your garden. Let’s delve into this topic and learn what sandy soil is and how you can improve it....

April 29, 2022 · 6 min · 1159 words · Marlin Kratz

Navel Orange Tree Care Sweet Orange Fruit

Navel oranges have become severely underrated as the popularity of mandarins has skyrocketed. Growing a navel orange tree will provide delicious, sweet fruit during the winter when most gardens slow down or go completely dormant. A navel orange tree can be grown as a dwarf or standard tree in the ground or a container making it feasible for just about any gardener to grow. They can be grown as a patio tree in almost any growing zone as long as they can be brought inside during harsh winters....

April 29, 2022 · 15 min · 2983 words · Linda Madden

27 Types Of Broccoli You Should Grow

Did you know that there are many different types of broccoli? You probably see veggies at your local grocery store or farmer’s market that look vaguely like broccoli but are leafier, skinnier, bright green, blue-green, or even look like fractals. Such variation in size and appearance also means variable growing times, leading to months of broccoli bliss. All of these broccoli varieties and broccoli hybrids are part of the Brassica oleracea species, which also includes cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, collard greens, and others....

April 28, 2022 · 5 min · 959 words · Daniel Friou

Broad Mites Temperate Or Greenhouse Pests

As a part of the ecosystem, our gardens are constantly fighting a battle against attacks both big and small. Broad mites (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) are tiny but destructive bugs that reproduce rapidly and can cause a lot of damage to vegetables and ornamental plants. They have been documented on over 60 plant families. This mite is a problem in areas of the world without freezing winter temperatures and poses a serious threat to greenhouse growers....

April 28, 2022 · 7 min · 1356 words · Wanda Gutierrez

How Long Do Chickens Live And Lay Eggs

While recent events have only accelerated the trend towards city-dwellers, urban gardeners, and suburbanites keeping their own chickens, buying any animal based on a trend or whim is a dangerous proposition. Odds are that the chickens will happily survive, and people who only bought them for something to do while stuck at home will suddenly have a new problem: a chicken coop full of chickens they no longer want. So how long do chickens live?...

April 28, 2022 · 7 min · 1415 words · Jeff Lewis

Hps Bulbs Explained Which Are The Best For Your Garden Explained Which Are The Best For Your Garden

For years, HPS technology has proven itself one of the best grow light choices for indoor and outdoor gardeners who want big, consistent, and predictable harvests. In short, HPS delivers. Table of Contents In this guide, we have gathered what we consider to be the most important information to help you choose the right HPS bulb for your garden. We’ll guide you through different lamp sizes, their applications, prices, and a few recommendations of what we consider to be the best HPS bulbs....

April 28, 2022 · 11 min · 2284 words · Charles Allen

Outdoor Hydroponics 9 Tips For Maximum Yields

Table of Contents If you’re an indoor hydroponic grower, you know just how expensive your hydroponics garden can get due to the need to keep air conditioning, humidifiers, grow lights, etc. running. Why not start an outdoor hydroponic garden instead? Outdoor hydroponics gives you the perfect balance of nutrients and water, and in the summer when there is sufficient sunlight, your plants will grow much better and faster than in soil gardens....

April 28, 2022 · 10 min · 2054 words · Robert Capdeville

Citrus Canker A Widespread Bacterial Problem

Citrus are some of the most popular fruits found in our homes and grown by gardeners who are lucky enough to live in warm climates. Two major diseases affect citrus plants, citrus canker and huanglongbing (citrus greening disease), both of which have devastating economic consequences for the citrus industry and are strictly regulated by governmental agencies in the U.S. and abroad. Table of Contents Citrus canker or the citrus canker bacterial disease is caused by variants of the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv....

April 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1336 words · Sally Hunte